
You’re in control

Altlantis offers a complete no-code toolset for running NFT projects on the Hedera Hashgraph.

We make Hedera, easy

Are you just starting to explore Hedera or even Web3 as a creator? No worries, our Creator Tools will get you started with just an email address. From there, access an easy graphical toolkit for creating and interacting with collections and tokens on Hedera. No coding required.

The Altlantis wallet on iOS and Android is used to sign all creator transactions. The wallet is also an excellent user experience for claiming project rewards in our ecosystem and offers QR code based trading and helpful alerts about your collections.

unlock your limitless potential

No-code NFT project solutions

Our complete suite of scalable NFT project solutions
Token Minting
Simple minting and mass minting that supports HashLips or CSV metadata, all multi-file friendly.
Token Sales
Sell your tokens by embedding QR codes anywhere you can think of or by traditional means.
Project Pages
All projects get their own page that will deliver content and events specific to your project.
Token Functions
Tap into extra functionality of your tokens through mass burn and wipe functionality.
Discord Bot
Implement token gated roles on your discord server in a self-serve model using flexible rules.
Snapshot and Airdrop
Generate CSV files of holders based on criteria and deliver tokens on demand.
Configure flexible rules and offer multiple tokens as reward to your holders.
Token Swaps
Allow the exchange of certain tokens that you have minted for other tokens.
Schedule automated delivery of rewards to holders of your tokens.

NFTs on Hedera

Follow the Hedera socials for news and ongoing developments
10k + TPS
Through ABFT, the Hedera public network achieves the highest-grade of security possible while maintaining fast speeds. Transactions are throttled at 10k per second currently and will increase in the future.
10M+ daily
With nearly 2 million transactions daily, the Hedera public network is already experiencing impressive volume while maintaining stability.
$75 to mint 1k
Hedera has some of the lowest transaction & query fees available on a DLT. These are set in Fiat (USD) but paid in hbars. This means your cost to operate within the network will always be affordable and predictable.
Start using our services today
You can sign-up for an Altlantis account to create a basic project and a discord bot for free.From there, your imagination is the limit.
Creator Tools
Welcome to Altlantis, where Hedera NFT projects are managed.
Start Creating
Altlantis Wallet
A creator wallet that makes Hedera easy. Used to sign all creator tool transactions.
IOS Android

Your questions, answered

Who can use Altlantis Tools?
Altlantis is for everyone. We are making our platform as inclusive as possible through simplicity and affordability, but we will monitor for abuse and remove any bad actors should they appear.
Is Altlantis Expensive?
Our creator tools have low transactional fees based in USD for predictability Our FTL Access Pass gives holders 20% off all Altlantis fees. You will not require any expensive passes in order to use our services, you can get started right away.
Note: our social site is free to use for everyone. You can leverage this site to communicate with other Hedera NFT collectors along with claiming rewards from various projects.
Is Altlantis Safe?
We take security seriously. The Altlantis solution leverages Google FireBase for authentication, app delivery and storage. Our website is SSL encrypted and all transactions are currently using HashPack Hash Connect.
Our mobile app will undergo a preliminary security audit in the near future. We will then schedule regular recurring reviews on all aspects of the solution as we continue to evolved things.
The mobile app will leverage biometrics, local keystore and AES256 encryption to keep your information as safe as possible.
Ready to rise above?
Enter a new experience on Hedera with Altlantis today.
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